Fresh'n Fruity Greek FAQS

What is Fresh’n Fruity Greek and what flavours are available?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek is a low fat Greek yoghurt made with Authentic Greek Cultures, giving it a thick and creamy texture.

So this yoghurt is more about the ‘Fresh’ than the ‘Fruity’. Fresh’n Fruity Natural Greek yoghurt is thick and creamy with a mild, delicious flavour, making it great for cooking, baking, dips, dressings and sauces, and the perfect alternative to ice cream.

What makes Fresh’n Fruity Greek different to Greek Style yoghurt?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek is made with Authentic Greek cultures from Greece (S. thermophilus DC 29 strain from artisanal Greek yoghurt).

Where can you buy Fresh’n Fruity Greek?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek is available at supermarkets nationwide.  If you are having problems finding Fresh’n Fruity Greek, please contact us on 0800 103 778 or email

Is Fresh’n Fruity Greek New Zealand made?

Yes, Fresh’n Fruity Greek is made right here in New Zealand.

After purchasing Fresh’n Fruity Greek yoghurt, how long will it last until expiring?

If correctly refrigerated, Fresh’n Fruity Greek 1kg yoghurt will last until the date listed on each individual pot. Once opened, Fresh' Fruity Greek 1kg yoghurt will stay fresh for up to 7 days.

How much protein is in Fresh’n Fruity Greek and where does it come from?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek Natural Unsweetened yoghurt contains 6.4 grams of protein per 100 grams.  The flavoured Fresh’n Fruity Greek yoghurt varieties contain 5.6 grams of protein per 100 grams. The source of protein in Fresh’n Fruity Greek yoghurt comes from using cow’s milk and dairy protein powders.

Is Fresh’n Fruity Greek a source of calcium?

Yes, Fresh n Fruity Greek Yoghurt is a source of dairy calcium, with at least 20% of an adult’s daily calcium requirements in every 125 gram serve.  However, calcium requirements do vary, depending on age and gender 

Calcium is important to help build strong bones and teeth as part of a healthy diet.

How much fat is in Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurts are all low in fat and contain 2.5-3.0% fat. The low fat level reflects the natural fat content of the dairy ingredients used to make Fresh’n Fruity Greek. 

How can Fresh’n Fruity Greek be low in fat when it tastes so thick and creamy?

The naturally high dairy protein levels and Authentic Greek cultures used to make Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt creates a thick and creamy yoghurt texture.

Does Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt contain cultures?

Yes. S. thermophilus DC 29 strain from artisanal Greek yoghurt, L. bulgaricus and L. acidophilus

How much sugar is in Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt?

Fresh’n Fruity Greek Natural unsweetened yoghurt contains only 1.5g sugar per 100g which is naturally occurring due to the presence of lactose in milk. The flavoured variants (Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry and Apricot) contain between 6.7-7.3g of sugar per 100g. 22% of the sugar in Fresh’n Fruity Greek flavoured yoghurt variants is naturally occurring from the lactose in milk, and the remaining is added sugar from the fruit preparation.

Is Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt Gluten free?

Yes, Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt is gluten free.

Does Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt contain Gelatine?

No. Fresh'n Fruity Greek Yoghurt does not contain gelatine.

Is Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, Fresh'n Fruity Yoghurt is suitable for vegetarians.

Is Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt okay if I am lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is a condition where people may be unable to tolerate significant quantities of lactose (the naturally occurring sugar in milk) as they have a shortage of the enzyme (lactase) which breaks the lactose down in order to digest it. The severity and symptoms of lactose intolerance may vary individually but many people with lactose intolerance may be able to consume some dairy products, such as hard cheese - which is naturally very low in lactose - and yoghurt - which contains live cultures which have already broken down some of the lactose. 

Lactose intolerance is different to cow’s milk allergy which is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition where all dairy products must be strictly avoided. Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt is NOT suitable for someone with a dairy or cow’s milk allergy.

If you have questions about lactose intolerance or dairy/cow’s milk allergy, please speak with a health professional for confirmation and advice specific to your individual needs.

What are the allergens in Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt?

The main allergen in Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt is cow’s milk. The Apricot variant contains sulphites. The natural and Strawberry variants of Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt contains no other ingredients that are required to be declared as common allergens; however, we recommend you read the ingredients list carefully and consult with a health professional if you have any concerns about a specific allergen.  Please visit this site to learn more about allergens in foods.

If there is liquid on top of my yoghurt when I open it, is that okay?

Yes, some natural separation can occur as we try to keep our products as natural as possible. The liquid is called 'whey', which consists mostly of water but also contains some protein and other minerals. Simply stir the liquid back in before eating.

Does Fresh’n Fruity Greek count as a ‘serve of dairy’?

Yes – one 125 gram serve of Fresh’n Fruity Greek Yoghurt may count towards one of your daily serves of dairy. If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us on

Is the packaging recyclable?


Our 1kg yoghurt tubs are made of polypropylene (#5) which is collected for recycling in New Zealand through kerbside and local council recycling centres. Check out your local council’s website to find out more about what packaging can be recycled in your area and whether they accept PP lids for recycling as some councils do and some don’t. Make sure you rinse the tub clean before you put it in the recycling bin as this helps reduce contamination and ensures tubs get recycled into new materials.


Lids can be taken to community collection points or selected New World, PAK’nSAVE, and Four Square supermarkets in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch. For a list of locations visit

Cardboard sleeves

Our cardboard sleeves are recyclable through your household recycling and local council recycling centres.


We are working hard to ensure the rest of our packaging is recycle-ready by mid 2026, including our pottles and seals. This transition takes time as we need to ensure that any new packaging material we use has been fully tested across the life cycle of the product. In the meantime, please dispose of these responsibly in your general waste bin.

Reusing your containers

There are loads of great ideas out there for reusing yoghurt pottles and tubs. One of our favourites is using tubs or pottles to grow seedlings. We also love decorating them and using them for kids arts and crafts – they are great at holding crayons and paint brushes.