Frequently Asked Questions

What flavours does Fresh'n Fruity come in?

Fresh’n Fruity comes in 12 delicious flavours and three different formats – our trusty 1 kg tub, a 6 pack and 12 packs. You can check out the range here.

Is Fresh'n Fruity a source of calcium?

Yes, Fresh‘n Fruity is a source of calcium, with around 20% of daily calcium requirements in every 150g serve. Fresh‘n Fruity is also available in 100g pottles, which are also a source of calcium, providing >10% of a daily calcium requirement. However, calcium requirements do vary, depending on age and gender.

Why does my child need calcium?

Calcium is important to help build strong bones and teeth when consumed as part of a healthy diet.

Does Fresh'n Fruity contain Gluten?

Fresh'n Fruity does not contain gluten-containing ingredients.

Is Fresh'n Fruity Yoghurt okay if my child is Lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is a condition where people may be unable to tolerate significant quantities of lactose (the naturally occurring sugar in milk) as they have a shortage of the enzyme (lactase) which breaks the lactose down to digest it. The severity and symptoms of lactose intolerance may vary from person to person, but many people may be able to consume some dairy products, such as hard cheese – which is naturally very low in lactose – and yoghurt – which contains live cultures which have already broken down some of the lactose.

Lactose is present in Fresh’n Fruity yoghurt, and therefore is not suitable for a lactose intolerant child.

Lactose intolerance is different to cow’s milk allergy which is a severe and potentially life- threatening condition where all dairy products must be strictly avoided.

If you have questions about lactose intolerance or dairy/cow’s milk allergy, speak with a health professional for confirmation and advice specific to your child’s needs.

What are the allergens in Fresh'n Fruity Yoghurt

The main allergen present in all Fresh ‘n Fruity Yoghurt is milk. Some flavours do contain sulphites from the fruit and this information can be found on the label under the ingredients list. However, we recommend you read the ingredients list carefully and consult with a health professional if you have any concerns about a specific allergen. Click here to learn more about allergens in foods.

If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us on

Is the packaging recyclable?


Our 500g and 1kg yoghurt tubs are made of polypropylene (#5) which is collected for recycling in New Zealand through kerbside and local council recycling centres. Make sure you rinse the tub clean and remove the lid before you put it in the recycling bin as this helps reduce contamination and ensures tubs get recycled into new materials.  


Lids can be taken to community collection points or selected New World, PAK’nSAVE, and Four Square supermarkets in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch. For a list of locations visit

Cardboard sleeves

Our cardboard sleeves are recyclable through your household recycling and local council recycling centres.


We are working hard to ensure the rest of our packaging is recycle-ready, including our pottles and seals (our 4, 6 and 12 multipack yoghurts). This transition takes time as we need to ensure that any new packaging material we use has been fully tested across the life cycle of the product. In the meantime, please dispose of these in your general waste bin.

Reusing your containers

There are loads of great ideas out there for reusing yoghurt pottles and tubs. One of our favourites is using tubs or pottles to grow seedlings. We also love decorating them and using them for kids arts and crafts – they are great for holding crayons and paint brushes.  

Where can you buy Fresh’n Fruity?

Fresh’nFruity is available at all great supermarkets, if you are having trouble spotting our delicious yoghurt please contact us or chat to us on Facebook.

Does Fresh'n Fruity contain artificial sweeteners?

No Fresh’n Fruity does not contain artificial sweeteners. We use a natural sweet flavour which helps round out the sweet taste of some of the sugars already present. This has allowed us to reduce the added sugar while maintaining that big Fresh’n Fruity taste you love, without adding any artificial sweeteners.

Does Fresh‘n Fruity contain preservatives?

There is some preservative added to the fruit blend which helps to slow down the loss in quality of the fruit over time. You can find this on the label, listed in the ingredients list as preservative (202).


Does Fresh‘n Fruity contain artificial colours and flavours?

Fresh‘n Fruity yoghurt does not contain artificial colours, it only contains natural colours.

Some of the Fresh‘n Fruity range contain artificial flavours. These artificial flavours make up part of the fruit blends and help to round out the tart taste of the fruit.

What are the allergens in Fresh'n Fruity?

We take great care to make sure our products are correctly labelled. It is a legal requirement that foods in New Zealand must declare any of the allergens listed below on the label:

o  Cereals containing gluten & their products [wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt]

o  Crustacea

o  Egg

o  Fish (fish products (including mollusc with or without shells and fish oils)

o  Lupin

o  Milk

o  Peanuts

o  Sesame seeds

o  Soybeans

o  Tree nuts & tree nut products

o  Sulphites

It is really important to us that our consumers can trust our products. If an allergen is not listed in the ingredients list on the product label, it is because it is not present in the product.

As a responsible food producer with a proven record of safe allergen management, we carefully consider all aspects of food safety and quality, including allergens, at all stages of our process. We operate under a fully audited and certified Risk Management Programme which includes controls such as:

o  Validated cleaning procedures

o  Control of personnel movement in processing areas

o  Raw material sourcing and tracing

o  Production scheduling

o  Documented procedures and controls

o  Staff training

o  Dedicated equipment

o  Isolated storage of allergens


This gives us confidence that our product labels comply with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, and that any mandatory allergens present are correctly identified so consumers can make informed food choices.

If you are allergic to ingredients that are not on the mandatory list required for labelling in New Zealand, can you please e-mail a request for information to  

We will consult with our Technical and Nutrition teams to ensure information we supply supports your situation. You could also contact Allergy New Zealand ( who can support you with additional information, and advocate for your needs.

Just a test